Showing posts with label Microprocessor Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microprocessor Questions. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

MPMC Lab Model Qeustions - EC2307

EC2307 – Microprocessors and Microcontroller Lab Model Exam Question Paper

1. Write an assembly language program for performing the Addition and Subraction     of two byte numbers using 8086 Microprocessor.
2. Write an assembly language program for performing the Multiplication and   Division of 16 bit numbers using 8086 Microprocessor.
3. Write an assembly language program to sort a given array in Ascending and     Descending order with array of length 10 using 8086 Microprocessor.
4. Write an assembly language program to find Largest and Smallest number in a given     Array using 8086 Microprocessor.
5. Write an assembly language program to move string of length FF from source to     destination using 8086 Microprocessor.
6. Write an assembly language program for Modes of operation of programable timer     8253.
7. Write an assembly language program for performing Addition and Subraction of  two   8 bit numbers using 8051 Microcontroller and store the results in memory.
8. Write an assembly language program for performing the Multiplication and Division   of two 8 bit data using 8051 and store the result in memory.
9.Write an assembly language program for performing communication between 8051     Micrcontroller  kit and PC.
10. Write an assembly language program to verify timer, interrupts and UART operations  in 8051 Microcontroller.
11. Write an assembly language program for interfacing 8279, 8259 with 8085      Microprocessor.
12. Write an assembly language program to convert Analog signal into Digital signal  using ADC interfacing using 8086 Microprocessor.
13. Write an assembly language program for Digital to Analog converter using 8086      Microprocessor.
14. Write an assembly language program to convert Digital inputs into Analog outputs  and to generate different waveforms using 8086 Microprocessor.
15. Write an assembly language program in 8086 to rotate the motor at different speeds       (using Stepper motor and DC motor).
16. Write an assembly language program in 8086 to display the rolling message       “WELCOME” in the display.
17. Write an assembly language programby interfacing 8255 with 8086 in Mode0, Mode1       and Mode2.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Interfacing of Microprocessor Unit III - EC2304 MPMC Question

1.        Give the Salient features of 8253 timer module
2.        What is an sample and hold circuit
3.        List out the major function performed by CRT interface
4.        List out the four display modes of 8279 keyboard /display controller
5.        What are the commonly used ADC and DAC ‘s?
6.        Formulate the control word for setting bit PC4 high using BSR mode
7.        What is the purpose of AC flag available in Intel processors?
8.        What is key bouncing?
9.        Write down the control word format of SCON and TMOD Register
10.  Determine the control word for the following configuration of 8255:- Port A – Output
Mode of port A – Mode 1
Port B – Output
Mode of port B – Mode 0
Port C lower (pins PC0 – PC2) – Output
11.  What   is   8254?      Discuss   its   various   operating   modes.   What   are   its   areas   of applications?
12.  What is interfacing?
13.  List the operating modes of the 8255A programmable device.
14.     What is the internal frequency of the 8279? How can you drive from any available clock signal?
Part B
  1. 1.   Explain the 8279 keyboard and display controller with neat sketch.
  2. 2.   Describe the architecture and working of 8253 timer and also explain the various operating modes
  3. 3.   With diagram, explain the operation of R-2R method of D/A Converter
  4. 4.    Explain the function of CRT terminal interface

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Revision Test II- Unit II - ECE2304 Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Subject: EC2304-Microprocessors and Microcontroller Class: III - ECE
1.        What is the purpose of the following comments in 8086  a) AAD b)RCL
2.        Explain the string compare instruction with syntax and suitable example
3.        What is  meant by short jump
4.        Write the ALP to multiply two 16 bit unsigned numbers to provide a 32 bit result. Assume that the two numbers are stored in CX and DX.
5.        Compare Call and Jump instruction
6.        What are the 8086 instructions used for BCD arithmetic?
7.        What is PSW?
8.        List any four program control instructions available in 8086
9.        How will carry and zero flags reflect the result of the instruction CMP BX, CX?
10.     What is the macro? .When is it used?
11.     What is segment override prefix?. Give an example
12.     What happen in 8086 when DEN=0 and DTR=1?
13.     What is the operation performed by the instruction CBW. Give an example for its use
14.     Compare Sub and CMP instruction in 8086


1.        Write an 8086 program to convert BCD to Binary
2.        Write an  ALP to Sort the array of elements in ascending order.
3.        Write the ALP for 8086 to compute the average of n  Numbers of byte stored in the memory
4.        Explain the relative addressing mode and implied addressing mode with its syntax. Use an example
5.        Explain the assembler directives ASSUME, EQU, DW, and EVEN with suitable Examples
6.       Explain the following instruction with suitable example and syntax.LEA, LDS,LAHF, IMUL,,NEG,TEST, SAR,  JA, JBE,Jmp,

Monday, September 30, 2013

Revision test MPMC Question 1

Subject: EC2304-Microprocessors and Microcontroller Class: III - ECE

Answer all questions
  1.  Write down the BUS STATUS signal of 8086?
  2. What is microprocessor?
  3. Compare 8085 and 8086 Processor 
  4. What is pipelined architecture data lines in 8085
  5. State the different between the CPU and ALU
  6. Draw the diagram of demultiplexed 
  7. List out the Flags in 8086 processor
  8. Discuss  the function of BIU
  9. What is the use of AC flag in 8085?
  10. Define the function of SID and SOD in 8085
  11. What is the logical address value corresponding  to the physical address 6A3F7H. Assume that code segment is 5000H
  12. Define instruction cycle, Machine cycle , and T state
  13. Explain the HOLD, HOLDA Signal
  14. What are the segment Register of 8086?
  15. Name the data and control Flags  of 8086
  16. what are the architectural advancement methods available in 8086?
  17. Define the function of LOCK signals in 8086
  18. What do you meant by direct memory access?
  19. Define multiproceoosr configuration 
  20. What is meant by system bus?
              Part B

  1. Write the short notes about Interrupts of 8085. Different between software and hardware interrupt  
  2. Draw the diagram of minimum mode configuration 8086 and explain it.
  3. Explain the Bus cycle diagram of maximum mode configuration
  4. Draw the architecture of 8085  and explain in detail?
  5. Explain 8086 with neat block diagram.