Showing posts with label Two marks Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two marks Questions. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2022

Digital System Design Through VHDL

Digital System Design Through VHDL

Content Link
Syllabus Click Here for Syllabus
Study Materials Click Here for Study Materials
Objective Type QA Click Here for Objective Type QA
Essay Question and Answer Click Here for Essay Question and Answer Unit III QA
Essay Question and Answer Click Here for Essay Question and Answer Unit V QA

Digital System Design Through VHDL - Two Marks Q and A

Unit Two marks Q & A PPT
unit 3 Combinational Circuits Combinational Circuits Part II
unit 4 Sequential Circuits Update soon
unit 5 CPU Modeling and Design Application of VHDL design

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Revision Test II- Unit II - ECE2304 Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Subject: EC2304-Microprocessors and Microcontroller Class: III - ECE
1.        What is the purpose of the following comments in 8086  a) AAD b)RCL
2.        Explain the string compare instruction with syntax and suitable example
3.        What is  meant by short jump
4.        Write the ALP to multiply two 16 bit unsigned numbers to provide a 32 bit result. Assume that the two numbers are stored in CX and DX.
5.        Compare Call and Jump instruction
6.        What are the 8086 instructions used for BCD arithmetic?
7.        What is PSW?
8.        List any four program control instructions available in 8086
9.        How will carry and zero flags reflect the result of the instruction CMP BX, CX?
10.     What is the macro? .When is it used?
11.     What is segment override prefix?. Give an example
12.     What happen in 8086 when DEN=0 and DTR=1?
13.     What is the operation performed by the instruction CBW. Give an example for its use
14.     Compare Sub and CMP instruction in 8086


1.        Write an 8086 program to convert BCD to Binary
2.        Write an  ALP to Sort the array of elements in ascending order.
3.        Write the ALP for 8086 to compute the average of n  Numbers of byte stored in the memory
4.        Explain the relative addressing mode and implied addressing mode with its syntax. Use an example
5.        Explain the assembler directives ASSUME, EQU, DW, and EVEN with suitable Examples
6.       Explain the following instruction with suitable example and syntax.LEA, LDS,LAHF, IMUL,,NEG,TEST, SAR,  JA, JBE,Jmp,