EC2304-Microprocessors and Microcontroller Class: III - ECE
Answer all questions
- Write down the BUS STATUS signal of 8086?
- What is microprocessor?
- Compare 8085 and 8086 Processor
- What is pipelined architecture data lines in 8085
- State the different between the CPU and ALU
- Draw the diagram of demultiplexed
- List out the Flags in 8086 processor
- Discuss the function of BIU
- What is the use of AC flag in 8085?
- Define the function of SID and SOD in 8085
- What is the logical address
value corresponding to the physical
address 6A3F7H. Assume that
code segment is 5000H
- Define instruction cycle, Machine cycle , and T state
- Explain the HOLD, HOLDA Signal
- What are the segment Register of 8086?
- Name the data and control Flags of 8086
- what are the architectural advancement methods available in 8086?
- Define the function of LOCK signals in 8086
- What do you meant by direct memory access?
- Define multiproceoosr configuration
- What is meant by system bus?
Part B
- Write the short notes about Interrupts of 8085. Different between software and hardware interrupt
- Draw the diagram of minimum mode configuration 8086 and explain it.
- Explain the Bus cycle diagram of maximum mode configuration
- Draw the architecture of 8085 and explain in detail?
- Explain 8086 with neat block diagram.
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