Sunday, September 17, 2023

Microcomputing systems

Micro computing Systems

Content Link
Module 1 Module 1- 8086 Notes
Module 1 8086 -Memory management -notes
Module 1 8086 Architecture -Power point
Module 1 8086 Instruction set and addressing mode -PPT
Module 1 ARM processor PPT
Module 1 ARM processor PPT
Module 2 8051 Controller ppt
Module 2 8051 Controller ppt
Queastion Bank Question bank CIA 1
Queastion Bank Question bank CIA 1 Part A Answer

Friday, September 8, 2023

Latex- Beamer - Title page -sec 1

  % Creating a simple Title Page in Beamer
% Theme choice:
% Title page details: 
\title{Your First \LaTeX{} Presentation}
	% Title page frame

Friday, September 1, 2023

Assending order of ALP model of 8086 processor

  ORG 100h        ; Origin at 100h

MOV SI, OFFSET NUMBERS ; SI points to the array of numbers
MOV CX, 5       ; Number of elements to sort (change as needed)

    MOV BX, CX      ; Inner loop counter
    DEC BX          ; Decrement BX since we compare BX with BX+1

    MOV AX, [SI]    ; Load the value at SI into AX
    CMP AX, [SI+2]  ; Compare with the next value
    JLE NO_SWAP     ; Jump if less than or equal (no swap needed)

    ; Swap the values
    XCHG AX, [SI+2]
    MOV [SI], AX

    ADD SI, 2       ; Move to the next element
    LOOP INNER_LOOP ; Repeat for all elements

    DEC CX          ; Decrement outer loop counter
    LOOP SORT_LOOP  ; Repeat for all elements


NUMBERS DB 23, 11, 56, 7, 34 ; Array of numbers to sort